Features Films

The fifth wheel

Ernesto (Elio Germano) is a simple man who tries to pursue his own ambitions without losing sight of the real values in life. Upholsterer, nursery-school cook, mover, driver, film extra. With him and his best friend Giacinto (Ricky Memphis), we relive the crucial phases in the history of the country from the 1970s to the present. With a lucid and …

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Blue lips

Six characters from six different cities around the world (Rio de Janeiro, Los Angeles, Honolulu, Buenos Aires, Rome and Pamplona) experience an event in mymedic.es their lives that brings about an abrupt change in their routine – something inside them has died. Unable to cope, they are lost and without direction. They each embark on a journey to Pamplona during …

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Amori elementari

Matilda, Tobia, Katerina and Aleksej are ten years-old children attending the same hockey and figure skating Multisport Center. Matilda has been in love with Tobia since the third year of primary school. Katerina and Aleksej come from Russia and their unbreakable relationship started when they met for the first time on a plane through the clouds. Their routines are broken …

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Taki Krasivi Ludi

Taki Krasivi Ludi Dmytro Moyseyev  (1h 34 min – Ukraina) They ran out from cities, they escaped civilization. They live on a sea-shore, they fish. They make home performances. They read Japanese literature. They enjoy their lives. But one of them lacks a man to love.

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It’s me

It’s me Anna Akulevich (1h 19 min – Ukraina) Once Yana returns home. It is possible to take away daughter, it is possible to hide from problems, and can simply escape from itself.

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Elena (Brasile, USA/2012/80′) di Petra Costa Elena dreamed about being an actress. Elena escaped from an oppressive and dead end Brasil. Elena is missing. His sister Petra was just seven, thirteen years younger than her, but she never forgot the memory of Elena. Nowadays Petra, young film maker, follows her sister traces in a chaotic New York reflecting her painful …

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Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry

Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry (USA/2012/91′) di Alison Klayman The most famous contemporary Chinese artist. Direct,  provocative, revolutionary. The truth about a dissident from the digital age told up close, about a man who against daunting forces ruptured the barrier between art and politics. The Chinese government has attempted to silence him with all possible ways: through physical violence, banning his …

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